Things I Wish I Knew In My 20s
Posted on 08 March 2018
Looking back at my twenties, I spent most of my time worrying about the future, where my career would go, when I’d get married and have kids. Now, I love being in my thirties and would never want to be 25 again! I wish I had embraced where I was more and trusted that everything was going to be better than okay.
If I could travel back in time, here are 10 things I'd tell my quarter-life crisis tortured self:
1. You literally can do whatever you want.
You don't have any responsibilities, so it's the time to take risks, especially in your professional life. Change careers, move to a new country, go back to school, or start that business.
2. Trust your gut
Everything they say about a woman's intuition is true. It's magic, it works, listen to it. Don't listen to your ego, it's a terrible liar.
3. Give less f**ks
No one's ever succeeded by trying to please everyone. Don't let people's judgement stop you from flying your freak flag.
4. When something isn't working out, don't push it
For someone who thinks that "no" means not right now, knowing when to quit is a challenge. When "try, try and try again" doesn't work, it's your cue to let it go. And every time you let it go, something so much better comes along.
5. Experience is overrated
Stop doubting yourself and just go for it. Your common sense and enthusiasm more often than not, will take you to the finish line with flying colours. If you fail, you've got the war stories to share.
6. Invest in yourself
Explore the world, take the course, go on that retreat, sign up with that coach. Try everything and get to know yourself and what your strengths are.
7. Relationships shouldn't be hard
Stop trying to make things work by doing all the heavy lifting. If you're not being met halfway and in a blissful union most of the time, just put it down to experience and move on. Next!
8. Surround Yourself with Positive People
Be mindful of the people you surround yourself with, that they're on your team. Cut toxic relationships out of your life. You don't have time for that.
9. You've got to do what you've got to do
Difficult decisions are hard to make, but putting them off can lead to more suffering and disappointment. Pluck up the courage to take decisive actions earlier, rather than later.
10. Everything is going to be ok
Be present and embrace wherever you are. Everything that has happened before is to prepare you for what's ahead. Learn the lesson and move on. Everything is going to be ok.
What else would you add to this list?