#ToBe Soon Lee x MISCHA
Posted on 14 October 2015
We've gone full circle with our topics on women and empowerment once again alongside the ladies at Soon Lee.
This time we're asking, What is your #Be? Knowing who you are. Being who you are. And owning it. #Be Awesome. #Be Greatful. #Be Wise. What is yours? We are roping in dynamic personalities to get the wheels turning. This time, a group of ladies who are always on the go, in life and careers.
Tell us your #Be, and join us in firing up another conversation. Hashtag us at #soonleexmischa!
AMANDA WONG, Fashion Photographer
I believe in believing in your dreams and yourself, even when no one else does. I have always persisted to be different in my beliefs, the things that I do and decide for myself. It takes courage to stand alone, because it's so easy to be swayed by naysayers.
After graduating from university, I decided to pursue a career not seen as such a great idea for a young female upstart. This is especially given the expectations of quality of life in Singapore, and what society typically defines as success. I take a road less travelled and am now a full time photographer (and dreamer). It took much perseverance, and the journey has been tough. I'm still growing and learning new things everyday -- but never been happier!
Don't start the day with broken pieces of yesterday, because every morning we wake up is the first day of the rest of our lives. Go out there and seize the day, with courage!

Follow her @beautifuladieu
My father is always reminding my brother and I that the world is our classroom, that we should always be asking as many questions about everything, as often as we needed to. Our never ending thirst to discover experiences and to meet new types of people keep us going. I live by it because it makes life more interesting. It makes me question a lot of things and it pushes me to see things from all angles. The more we know and understand about the world and the better global citizens we can be.
When I interview artist and celebrities through MTV, the best interviews come across as a conversation. I take an interest in what they are saying and sometimes even go off script to really ask them about what they are talking about. That way they want to talk to me, they let their guard down and this big superstar becomes just like the rest of us.
Quote to live by, "Curiouser and curiouser!" - Lewis Carroll

Be brave in new circumstances and challenges. Be brave, and go chase your dreams and be different. Be brave in being yourself even as the world urges you to be someone else.
Growing up and while schooling, I was often chided for being too cheerful and positive. I had friends telling me that it was impossible to be this cheerful, and that the way I was, just wasn't very "cool". It can be quite a struggle trying to be yourself in a world that urges you to be someone else because it is simply 'easier'. Be proud of who you are and do what makes you happy.

Kindness has no tangible, quantifiable value. We value different things today - ambition, insight, vision, a certain hardness that society prizes as maturity. I won't lie - I value these things too. But too often in our rush to get bigger and better we forget the meaning of why we are what we are: what makes us human?
But what the boys did made all the difference to me, and I would like to think that since then, I have tried to live in a way that can one day touch somebody else in the way their kindness has touched my life.
Kindness is, to me, something that is essential to our humanity. Be kind - because everybody you meet is fighting a harder battle than you know.

Sincerity to me is everything. It is the one value I find most crucial, in the way we handle people and things around us. When you are sincere, good things will fall in place eventually. And when you truly come from a sincere place, others will in turn react positively to you, and with much love.
There was once I helped a good friend out with a big favour. I went all the way for her, and did not expect anything at all in return. My only objective was for her to be happy. At the end of it all, she told me, "You are a true friend, and someone I need to keep for the rest of my life." Her words made my day and is something I still hold very close to my heart.
Being Sincere is one of the most beautiful thing. It is the truest realm of beauty, for both men and women.